Michelle Lipinski


Michelle Lipinski

Michelle Muffett-Lipinski is the Founder/Principal of the Northshore Recovery High School located in Beverly, Massachusetts. She is licensed as a Science Teacher, Principal/Director, Special Education Director, and Superintendent. Over the last decade, she has served as a School Board Member and is currently a City Councilor in Dover, NH. Michelle has been working in public education for over 30 years. She has over 25 years of experience as a Principal/Director in alternative school settings. Michelle is a Recovery Advocate and will continue to search for ways to help ease and work with others to eventually solve the addiction and opioid epidemic. She speaks across the country about the philosophy and mission of creating developmentally appropriate adolescent substance use and mental health recovery support in academic settings. She is also a strong advocate for combining a supportive therapeutic milieu with rigorous academic standards for students with significant risk factors. She is a member of many Boards and Commissions who provide resources to assist our most vulnerable youth.
Due to her unique perspective on these issues, Michelle has been featured on ABC, CNN, NBC, NECN, Anderson Cooper, and Current TV as well as other media outlets across the country, including TEDx and most recently MTV's 16andRecovering (https://www.mtv.com/shows/16-and-recovering). Most recently, she worked with local administrators, the Northshore YMCA and JRI to develop the PASS program (https://sites.google.com/northshoreymca.org/passnetwork/home). PASS was recently awarded a multi-year grant from DPH/DESE School/Community Based Target Intervention Services Grant under the State Opioid Response (SOR). This program offers a non-punitive, restorative approach to student discipline for ten districts and thirteen high schools on Boston's North Shore.